Canton Athletic Booster Club
Home of the WARRIORS!

What can the CABC do for CHS coaches?
The Boosters can provide needed equipment or provide assistance in fundraising events for your team. (fill out the Coaches Request form)
Provide assistance for team-related activities.
The CABC will provide concessions at all home games.
The CABC recognizes all teams that win the NCCC title with a shirt designed by their team. (see below -Title Shirt order form)
The CABC recognizes all teams that win a State Championship with a shirt designed by their team. ( see below - Title Shirt order form) *
We encourage fundraising to purchase team apparel. The CABC does not fund team apparel.
* Title Shirts are given for the highest title reached in the season.
What can Coaches do for the CABC?
Encourage team parents to join the Boosters by signing up on this website so the CABC can communicate upcoming events and requests for volunteers.
The Team parent will be a direct link of communication for concessions and any other possible queries.
Encourage your athletes to “give back”. The Boosters are a link between the community and the school. Community service is a great way to give back.